
Pronunciation of letters- u, o, a, e, x, l,y and letter groups- ow, ng, er, or, rr in English

The letter combination ng

When the letter combination ng appears at the end of words, it is typically pronounced as the ŋ sound, which is a nasal sound made by the back of the tongue against the soft part of the roof of the mouth.

long: [lɔŋ]

sang: [sæŋ]

Pronunciation of letters-i, I, j, g, w, qu and letter groups – au, ou, kn, ture, sh, ch, th, gh in English

Digraphs au and ou before ght:

When the digraphs au or ou appear before ght in English words, they are often pronounced as a long vowel sound similar to [ɔː].Voiced fricative sound th:

In function words (like articles, pronouns, and certain common words) and at the end of significant words between vowels, the combination th is often pronounced as a voiced interdental fricative sound [ð].

Pronunciation of letter groups (letter combinations)- au, ou, ld, nd, kn, ture, gh, ch, sh, th, wh, wr in English

Voiced fricative sound th:

In function words (like articles, pronouns, and certain common words) and at the end of significant words between vowels, the combination th is often pronounced as a voiced interdental fricative sound [ð].


the: [ðə]

this: [ðɪs]

that: [ðæt]

they: [ðeɪ]

bathe: [beɪð]

Pronunciation of the letter “a” before consonants

The letter “a” + consonant combinations are spelled due to the rules given in this lesson: a before L, a before l followed by the consonant, a before th, a before n, s, f,

The S Sound Phonics

The pronunciation of the consonant s in English can vary based on its position within a word, its neighboring sounds, and the specific accent or dialect.

Here are some general rules and guidelines for pronouncing the s sound: