Comparison of Prepositions

“Out of” and “From


Out of and from are both prepositions that are used to indicate the origin or source of something, but they are used in slightly different contexts.

Here’s a comparison of the two with examples:



Out of:


Out of is used to describe the movement or transformation of something from within a larger entity or group.

It often implies that something has been taken, removed, or separated from a larger whole.



She pulled a book out of her bag.

(The book was inside the bag, and she removed it.)


The artist created a sculpture out of clay.

(The sculpture was made by shaping and forming the clay material.)


I made a sandwich out of the ingredients in the refrigerator.

(The ingredients were used to create the sandwich.)







From is used to indicate the starting point or origin of something.

It does not necessarily imply the idea of removal or separation but simply specifies where something originated.



I received a gift from my friend.

(The gift originated with the friend and was given to the speaker.)


The train departs from Platform 3.

(The starting point or location of the train’s departure is Platform 3.)


She learned a lot from her teachers.

(The knowledge or information was gained with the help of her teachers.)



In summary, out of is often used when something is taken or separated from a larger entity, while from is used to indicate the starting point or source of something.

The choice between them depends on the context and the specific relationship you want to convey.







Prepositions “Out of” and “From” to compare

Preposition – “Out of”

Preposition – “From”

Preposition – “Off”

Preposition – “Among (Amongst)”

Preposition – “Beside” and “Besides”