Interrogative pronouns: who, whom, whose, what, which

Who is used to inquire about people or individuals.

It is used as a subject and a part of the predicate nominative in a sentence.

Examples: Who is coming to the party tonight?

Who is that woman?


Whom is used to inquire about people or individuals.

It is used as an object in a sentence:

Examples: Whom did you give the book to?

With whom are you going to the concert?


What is used to inquire about things, activities, or ideas?

It can be used as a subject or object in a sentence.

Examples: What is your favourite colour?

What are you doing this weekend?


Which is used to inquire about a specific person or thing among several options.

It can be used as a subject or object in a sentence.

Examples: Which car did you buy— the red one or the blue one?

Which shirt should I wear— the black one or the white one?


Whose is used to inquire about ownership or possession.

It is used as a modifier in a sentence.

Examples: Whose phone is ringing?

Whose book is this?


In general, interrogative pronouns are used to form questions in English.


They function as subjects, objects, or modifiers, depending on their position.

in the sentence and the type of information being requested.


The word what can also be used in exclamatory sentences to express

surprise, amazement, or strong emotions. In this case, it is not used as

an interrogative pronoun, but as an interjection:



What a beautiful day!

What an amazing performance!

What a great idea!

What a surprise!


In these examples, what is not asking a question but rather expressing

a strong emotion or reaction to something.


The pronoun what can be used with the prepositions by and with in certain contexts.

By what is used to ask about the means or method used to accomplish something.

Example: By what means did you complete the project?


With what is used to ask about the tools, materials, or resources used for something.

Example: With what did you cut this piece of wood?


In these cases, what is functioning as an interrogative pronoun?

introducing a question about a particular aspect of a situation or event.





Interrogative Pronouns

The Types of the English Pronouns