Preposition – “For”


Preposition for with the meaning intended for:

The preposition for can be used to indicate that something is intended to be given to someone.


Here are some examples:


I bought this gift for my mother’s birthday.


Can you pick up some flowers for your sister on your way home?


He prepared a special meal for his girlfriend on their anniversary.


I made a reservation for two at the restaurant.


She wrote a heartfelt letter for her best friend.



In each of these sentences, the preposition for is used to convey the idea that something is being done or provided with the intention of giving it to someone else.






Preposition for refers to purpose or intention:


He went to the store for some groceries.


She is studying for her exams.






Preposition for refers to benefit or advantage:


This scholarship is for students with high grades.



The new tax law is good for small businesses.







Preposition for refers to duration or period of time:


They’ve been dating for three years.


I will be on vacation for a week.


In Exchange for or as Payment:


I’ll give you $20 for that old book.


He traded his bicycle for a skateboard.







Preposition for in favor of or supporting:


I’m for stricter environmental regulations.


Are you for or against this proposal?








Preposition for – in the place of or as a substitute:


Sarah is filling in for her colleague while she’s on vacation.


I’ll stand for you in the meeting if you can’t make it.








Preposition for conveys an idea of considering or taking into account:


For your age, you’re in great shape.



For a beginner, you’re doing well in the class.









Preposition for refers to proximity or distance:


The park is just for a few blocks from here.


We live for miles away from the city center.









Preposition for -being suitable or appropriate:


Is this dress too casual for the wedding?


The movie is not for children due to its content.







Preposition for – in order to get or obtain:


I’m going to the store for milk.


He’s going to the gym for a workout.



These are some of the various meanings and uses of the preposition for in English, each of which indicates a different context or relationship between elements in a sentence.








Preposition for with the Infinitive:


When for is used before a noun or pronoun in combination with an infinitive, it often indicates that the noun or pronoun refers to the agent or person who is performing the action expressed by the infinitive.


Here are some examples:


He baked a cake for his daughter to enjoy.

(His daughter is the one who will enjoy the cake, and for introduces the agent.)



She bought a bouquet of flowers for her mother to brighten up her day.

(Her mother is the one whose day will be brightened, and for introduces the agent.)



They fixed the car for me to drive to work.

(I am the one who will be driving the car, and for introduces the agent.)



I made this sandwich for you to have for lunch.

(You are the one who will have the sandwich, and for introduces the agent.)



The chef prepared a special dish for the VIP guest to savor.

(The VIP guest is the one who will savor the dish, and for introduces the agent.)


In each of these sentences, for is used to indicate the person or entity for whom the action expressed by the infinitive is intended or performed.









For as a conjunction:


For can be used as a conjunction in adverbial clauses of cause, indicating the reason or cause for the action in the main clause.


Here are some examples:


She didn’t come to the party, for she was feeling unwell.

(The adverbial clause for she was feeling unwell explains the reason why she didn’t come to the party.)


They decided to cancel the outdoor event, for it started raining heavily.

(The adverbial clause for it started raining heavily gives the cause for the decision to cancel the event.)


He missed the bus, for he overslept this morning.

(The adverbial clause for he overslept this morning provides the reason for missing the bus.)


The traffic was terrible, for there was a major accident on the highway.

(The adverbial clause for there was a major accident on the highway explains the cause of the terrible traffic.)


For they had practiced diligently, the team won the championship.

(Here, for begins the adverbial clause of cause, explaining why the team won the championship.)


In each of these examples, for is used as a conjunction to introduce an adverbial clause of cause, helping to clarify the reason or cause behind the action or event described in the main clause.








Verbs, adjectives, and nouns requiring preposition for:


Here are examples of verbs, adjectives, and nouns that often require the preposition for to convey their intended meaning:


Verbs with for:


Apologize for: She apologized for her mistake.


Thank for: I want to thank you for your help.


Apply for: He applied for a job at the company.


Wait for: They are waiting for the bus.


Hope for: We hope for a better future.








Adjectives with for:


Grateful for: I am grateful for your support.


Ready for: Are you ready for the presentation?


Responsible for: She is responsible for the project’s success.


Excited for: They are excited for the upcoming vacation.


Sorry for: He felt sorry for his behavior.








Nouns with for:


A need for: There is a need for more volunteers.


A reason for: What is the reason for his absence?


A solution for: We need to find a solution for this problem.


A taste for: She has a taste for spicy food.


An opportunity for: This is an opportunity for personal growth.



In these examples, for is used after verbs, adjectives, and nouns to establish a connection between the action, quality, or need and its intended purpose or recipient.







Expressions with preposition for :


Here are some common expressions and idiomatic uses of the preposition for with examples:


For sure: Meaning definitely or certainly.

I’ll be there for sure.



For a change: Meaning to do something different from the usual.

Let’s go to a new restaurant for a change.



For good: Meaning permanently or without return.

She moved away for good.



For the record: Meaning to clarify or emphasize something.

Just for the record, I didn’t agree with that decision.



For the time being: Meaning temporarily or for now.

We’ll use this room for the time being.



For heaven’s sake: An exclamation of frustration or impatience.

For heaven’s sake, will you please stop talking?



For your information (FYI): Used to provide information to someone.

For your information, the meeting has been rescheduled.



For all intents and purposes: Meaning essentially or practically.

The project is complete for all intents and purposes.



For the love of: An expression of enthusiasm or passion for something.

I climbed that mountain for the love of adventure.



For the record: Used to officially document something.

Let’s put this for the record in the meeting minutes.



For crying out loud: An expression of frustration or annoyance.

For crying out loud, can you please be quiet?



For better or for worse: An expression often used in wedding vows, meaning in good times and bad.

They promised to be together for better or for worse.



These expressions often have specific meanings and are used in particular contexts to convey certain emotions or intentions.







Phrases with for:


Forever: Meaning eternally or without end.

Their love will last forever.



For instance: Used to provide a specific example.

There are many exotic fruits available, for instance, mangoes and papayas.



For example: Used to introduce an illustrative example.

There are several cities I’d like to visit, for example, Paris and Tokyo.



For a time: Meaning temporarily or for a period.

She lived in the countryside for a time before moving to the city.



For the time being: Meaning temporarily or for now.

We’ll use this old computer for the time being until we get a new one.



For years: Meaning over an extended period.

They have been friends for years.



In return for: Meaning as compensation or exchange.

He gave his time in return for valuable experience.



For the first time: Indicating the initial occurrence of something.

She visited New York for the first-time last summer.



These phrases and expressions with for have specific meanings and are used in various contexts to convey different nuances and ideas.










Preposition – “For”

Comparison of prepositions “Besides” and “Except”

Preposition – “Except”

Preposition – “Beside” and “Besides”

The Preposition place in sentences