Preposition “On” (Upon)”


The preposition on has various meanings and can be used in several contexts.

Here are examples:


Position or Location:


The book is on the shelf.


The cat is on the roof.


The restaurant is on the corner.




Attached or Fixed:


The sticker is on the package.


The painting is on the wall.


There’s a button on the shirt.





Contact or Touch:


The pen is on the paper.


There’s a scratch on the car.


The cup is on the saucer.





Supported by:


She’s standing on one leg.


The vase is on a table.


The house is built on stilts.






Scheduled or Timed:


The meeting is on Monday.


The concert is on Friday night.


Our flight leaves on time.






Involvement or Participation:


I’m working on a project.


She’s focusing on her studies.


He’s on the committee.






Addition or Inclusion:


Put some cheese on the pizza.


There are toppings on the ice cream.


We need more information on the report.






Based on or According to:


The decision was made on his recommendation.


The story is based on a true event.


I’ll do it on your advice.






Thematic or Thematic Interest:


The movie is on love and relationships.


The seminar is on environmental sustainability.


The article focuses on technological advancements.






Involvement in a Task:


He’s working on his presentation.


She’s concentrating on her homework.


They’re busy on a project.






Using or By Means Of:


I sent the email on my computer.


We traveled on a bus.


He wrote it on a typewriter.



These are some of the various meanings and uses of the preposition on in English, depending on the context in which it is used.






Preposition on as an adverb:


In addition to its uses as a preposition, on can also function as an adverb to indicate a continuous action or to convey the idea of moving further or ahead.

Here are some examples of on used as an adverb in this context:



She kept running on, not looking back.

(In this case, on indicates continuous running without stopping.)



The car drove on for miles without any issues.

(Here, on suggests continuous driving for a long distance.)



He walked on, searching for the trail marker.

(In this example, on implies that he continued walking to find the trail marker.)



The train moved on, leaving the station behind.

(In this context, on signifies that the train continued its journey.)



They pressed on through the dense forest.

(Using on here indicates that they continued moving forward in the forest.)




So, on as an adverb can be used to describe actions that are ongoing or to convey the idea of continuous movement or progress. It is often used with verbs of motion to indicate that something is happening or progressing further or ahead.




Some common verbs that are frequently used with preposition on.


Rely on: He relies on his team for support.


Count on: Can I count on you to help me?


Depend on: Our success depends on your cooperation.


Insist on: She insists on following the rules.


Focus on: Let’s focus on the main issue.


Work on: They are working on a new project.


Agree on: We need to agree on the terms of the contract.


Comment on: He made a comment on the situation.


Reflect on: I need time to reflect on what happened.


Decide on: Have you decided on a location for the event?


Dwell on: Don’t dwell on your mistakes.


Inquire on: I will inquire on the availability of tickets.


Embark on: They decided to embark on a new adventure.


Elaborate on: Can you elaborate on that point?


Settle on: We finally settled on a decision.


Concentrate on: Let’s concentrate on the task at hand.


Intrude on: I don’t want to intrude on your privacy.


Ponder on: She spent hours pondering on the question.


Stumble on: He stumbled on the solution by accident.


Impose on: I don’t want to impose on your time.





Common verbs with the adverb on:


Verbs that are commonly used with the adverb on often indicate continuous or ongoing actions.

Here are some common verbs used in this way:


Carry on: She decided to carry on with her work despite the interruption.


Press on: They pressed on with their journey despite the bad weather.


Move on: It’s time to move on from the past and focus on the future.


Soldier on: Despite the difficulties, they soldiered on with determination.


Plow on: The team plowed on through the tough project.


Sail on: The ship sailed on into the open sea.


March on: The protesters marched on to the government building.


Push on: They decided to push on and reach their destination.


Forge on: Despite the challenges, they forged on with their plans.


Power on: He powered on the computer to start his work.


Go on: The show must go on despite the technical difficulties.


Hold on: Hold on tight, and we’ll make it through the storm.



These verbs, when used with on as an adverb, often convey the idea of persistence, continuous action, or determination to keep moving forward.





Word expressions with the preposition on:

The preposition on is quite versatile and can be used in a variety of expressions and idiomatic phrases.

Here are some expressions and idioms using on:


On the ball: Someone who is alert and attentive is said to be on the ball.

She’s always on the ball during meetings.



On cloud nine: To be extremely happy or elated.

After winning the championship, he was on cloud nine.



On the house: When something, typically a drink or a meal, is provided for free by a business or host.

The bartender gave us a round of drinks on the house.



On the same page: To be in agreement or have a shared understanding.

It’s essential that the team is on the same page when planning the project.



On the tip of one’s tongue: When you know something but can’t quite remember or express it.

The answer to the question is on the tip of my tongue.



On the verge of: Very close to a particular state or condition.

They were on the verge of bankruptcy before they secured a new investor.



On your mark, get set, go!: A phrase used to start a race or competition.

The runners lined up, and the referee shouted, On your mark, get set, go!



On thin ice: In a risky or precarious situation.

After missing so many deadlines, he knew he was on thin ice with his boss.



On the fence: To be undecided or neutral about a particular issue or decision.

She’s on the fence about which college to attend.



On the rocks: Refers to a relationship or business that is in trouble or facing difficulties.

Their marriage was on the rocks for years before they divorced.



On pins and needles: Feeling anxious or nervous.

She was on pins and needles waiting for the exam results.



On the fly: Doing something quickly and without much preparation.

He had to come up with a presentation on the fly.



On the mend: Recovering from an illness or injury.

After a few days of rest, she’s on the mend.



On the whole: Considering all aspects; generally speaking.

On the whole, the trip was enjoyable despite the rainy weather.



On the downside: Referring to the negative aspect of something.

The pay is good, but on the downside, the hours are long.



On board: Referring to being on a ship, aircraft, or vehicle.

All passengers are now on board the airplane.



On behalf of: Acting for or representing someone or something.

I’m writing this letter on behalf of our organization.



On business: Referring to activities or matters related to one’s work or profession.

She’s in town on business and will be attending meetings all day.



On condition that: Provided that, with the requirement that.

You can borrow my car on condition that you return it by tomorrow.



On the contrary: Used to introduce a statement that is opposite to a previous one.

I thought she would be upset, but on the contrary, she was delighted.



On credit: Purchasing something with the agreement to pay for it later.

I bought the furniture on credit and will make monthly payments.



On demand: Immediately when requested or required.

The movie is available for streaming on demand.



On foot: Traveling by walking rather than using a vehicle.

We explored the city on foot to see all the sights.



On the ground: Referring to being physically present at a location.

Our team is on the ground in the disaster-stricken area, providing aid.



On the one hand: Introducing one side of an argument or situation.

On the one hand, it’s a great opportunity, but on the other hand, it’s risky.



On the initiative of: Suggesting that something was done based on someone’s proposal or idea.

The project was launched on the initiative of the CEO.



On land: Referring to being on the surface of the Earth, as opposed to at sea.

We finally reached dry land after days at sea.



On the part of: Indicating the involvement or action of a particular person or group.

On the part of the students, there was a strong desire for change.



.On the right-hand side: Referring to the direction or location on the right.

The exit is on the right-hand side of the building.



On sale: Items available for purchase at a reduced price.

The winter coats are on sale at the department store.



On a large scale: Referring to something done extensively or on a grand level.

The company expanded its operations on a large scale.



On sea: Referring to being at sea, typically on a ship or boat.

The sailors spent months on sea during their voyage.



On the way: In the process of arriving or progressing.

The package is on the way, and it should be delivered tomorrow.



And so on: Used to indicate that there are more similar things that could be mentioned.

We need to buy groceries, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and so on.



Later on: Referring to a point in time that is farther in the future.

I’ll finish this task now and deal with the rest later on.



On arrival: Referring to something that happens when you arrive at a place.

You’ll receive a welcome package on arrival at the hotel.



On fire: Describing something that is burning or in flames.

The building was on fire, and firefighters rushed to the scene.



On good terms: Referring to having a positive or friendly relationship with someone.

Despite their past disagreements, they are now on good terms.



 On hold: To temporarily stop or suspend an activity or process.

The project is on hold until we secure additional funding.



On leave: Referring to a period when someone is officially granted time off from work or duty.

He’s currently on leave and will be back next month.



On purpose: Intentionally or deliberately.

I didn’t break the vase on purpose; it was an accident.



On the rise: Referring to something that is increasing or becoming more common.

Crime rates have been on the rise in recent months.



On standby: Prepared and ready to act or be used if needed.

The medical team is on standby for any emergencies.



On the spot: Immediately, without delay.

He answered the question on the spot, without hesitation.



On time: Promptly, at the scheduled or expected time.

The train arrived on time, and we didn’t have to wait.



On vacation: Referring to a period when someone is away from work or daily responsibilities for leisure.

I’ll be on vacation next week and won’t be available.



On your own: Doing something independently without assistance or support from others.

You’ll have to complete this task on your own; I can’t help you right now.



On the horizon: Referring to something that is expected to happen or become noticeable in the near future.

New opportunities are on the horizon for our business.



On the dot: Precisely at a specific time, without being late.

The meeting starts at 9:00 AM on the dot.



On the mend: Recovering from an illness or injury.

She’s on the mend after her recent surgery.



On the sly: Secretly or discreetly, often to hide one’s actions.

He was meeting his ex-girlfriend on the sly.


On the surface: Describing the appearance or impression of something without considering deeper aspects.

On the surface, everything seemed fine, but there were underlying issues.



These expressions and phrases using on provide specific meanings and nuances in various contexts.










Preposition – “On (Upon)”

Preposition – “Into”

Preposition – “In”

Preposition – “Down”

Preposition – “Beyond”

Preposition – “After”