The English Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun or a noun phrase in a sentence.

Pronouns are used to avoid repetition and to make writing or speaking more concise.

Pronouns can take the place of a person, animal, object, or concept.

For example, in the sentence Mary is going to the store to buy some groceries,

The noun Mary can be replaced with the pronoun she to avoid repeating Mary again in the sentence.

The revised sentence would be: She is going to the store to buy some groceries. 



The Functions of the Pronouns:

Pronouns play several important functions in a sentence. Here are some examples:

Subject of a sentence:

Pronouns can serve as the subject of a sentence, which is the person, thing, or idea that performs the action.

Example: She plays tennis every weekend. In this sentence, she is the subject pronoun, and it takes the place of the noun that would perform the action, which in this case is Mary’s.

Object of a sentence:

Pronouns can also serve as the object of a sentence, which is the person, thing, or idea that receives the action.

Example: John gave her a present. In this sentence, her is the object pronoun, and it takes the place of the noun that would receive the action, which in this case is Mary’s.

Possessive Pronouns:

can also show possession, indicating that something belongs to a particular person, group, or thing.

Example: That book is hers. In this sentence, hers is a possessive pronoun that shows ownership, indicating that the book belongs to a specific person. 

Reflexive Pronouns:

can be used reflexively, meaning that they reflect back on the subject of the sentence.

Example: She hurt herself while playing soccer. In this sentence, herself is a reflexive pronoun, indicating that the subject of the sentence (she) is also the object of the action. 

Indefinite Pronouns:

can be used in an indefinite way to refer to something or someone in general.

Example: Anyone can learn to play the guitar. In this sentence, anyone is an indefinite pronoun that refers to any person rather than a specific person.

These are just a few examples of the different functions that pronouns can play in a sentence. The use of pronouns can help to make a sentence more concise and clear, and it allows us to avoid repeating the same words over and over again.












What is a Pronoun? The Functions of the English pronouns.

Pronoun Exercises

Possessive Pronouns

Indefinite Pronouns

Relative Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns