Preposition “Among (Amongst)”



Preposition “Among” with the meaning – situated more in less in relation to several other things:


The preposition among, when used to indicate something is situated more or less in relation to several other things, implies that the subject is part of a group or surrounded by other elements.


Here are some examples:


The red rose stood out among the white ones in the garden.

(In this sentence, the red rose is situated within a group of white roses.)


She found her keys among the clutter on the kitchen counter.

(Her keys were located in the middle of a mess or collection of objects on the counter.)


The athlete’s performance was exceptional among the competitors.

(This means the athlete’s performance was outstanding compared to the other participants in the competition.)


Among the students in the class, only a few had completed the assignment on time.

(This shows that within the group of students in the class, only a small number had finished the assignment as expected.)


The rare book was hidden among a stack of old magazines in the attic.

(The valuable book was concealed within a pile of old magazines in the attic.)


Among the various options for our vacation, we chose to go to the beach.

(This indicates that the beach was one of the choices among several available options for the vacation.)


The leader emerged as a unifying figure among the diverse group of employees.

(The leader was someone who brought together the different employees and served as a unifying presence in the group.)


In each of these examples, among is used to describe the relationship between the subject and the other items or elements it is associated with.








Preposition “Among or Amongst”:


Among and amongst are very similar in meaning, and in many cases, they can be used interchangeably.

However, there are some subtle differences:


Formality: Among is generally considered more formal and is preferred in formal writing and speech.

Amongst is less formal and is often used in informal or British English.


Usage: In American English, among is more commonly used, while in British English, both among and amongst are used, with amongst being slightly more common.



Context: In some cases, amongst may be preferred for poetic or literary purposes to add a touch of archaic or old-fashioned style to the writing.


Here’s an example of how they can be used interchangeably:


American English:

The keys were hidden among the books on the shelf.


British English:

The keys were hidden amongst the books on the shelf.










Preposition – “Among (Amongst)”

Preposition – “Against”

Preposition – “After”

Preposition – “Across”

Preposition – “Above”

Preposition – “About”

The Preposition place in sentences

The Types of Prepositions
