Beside & Besides



Preposition beside with the meaning next to or to the side of something:


Here are some examples of how the preposition beside can be used to indicate something is located next to or to the side of something else:


She sat beside her best friend during the movie.


The small village is nestled beside a picturesque mountain.


The book I need is beside the computer on the desk.


The children played beside the river, skipping stones.


The old oak tree stands proudly beside the farmhouse.


He parked his car beside the curb and walked into the store.


The art gallery placed the new sculpture beside the entrance to grab visitors’ attention.


The cat curled up beside the fireplace to keep warm.


The hiking trail runs beside the lake, offering stunning views.


The new office building was constructed beside the existing one.



In all of these examples, beside is used to indicate the location of one thing in relation to another, suggesting that one thing is next to or to the side of the other.






Preposition besides with the meaning apart from and as well as or in addition to:


The preposition besides can have two distinct meanings: apart from and as well as.

Here are examples of how besides can be used in both contexts:


Apart from meaning:


Besides English, she also speaks Spanish fluently.

(She knows not only English but Spanish too.)


Besides studying for the exam, he also had to prepare a presentation.

(Here, it means that in addition to studying for the exam, he had to prepare a presentation.)


Besides the main course, the restaurant also offers a variety of appetizers.

(The restaurant menu includes main course and many other dishes.)



As well as meaning:


Besides apples, we also have oranges and bananas.

(This means that in addition to apples, there are also oranges and bananas available.)


She is an excellent pianist, besides being a talented singer.

(In this case, it suggests that she is not only a talented singer but also an excellent pianist.)


Besides being a doctor, he is an accomplished writer.

(This indicates that he has two roles or qualities: he is a doctor and an accomplished writer.)




Besides as an adverb:


When besides is used as an adverb, it often means as well, moreover, or in addition.


Here are some examples:


She’s a talented artist, and besides, she’s a skilled musician.

(In this sentence, besides is used to add information or emphasize that she has an additional skill as a musician.)


I’m really busy with work this week, and besides, I have a family gathering to attend.

(Here, besides is used to indicate an additional commitment or responsibility.)


The hotel has a beautiful pool, and besides, it offers a stunning view of the mountains.

(In this case, besides emphasizes an additional feature or benefit of the hotel.)


He’s an excellent chef, and besides, he’s a great manager, too.

(This sentence uses besides to highlight that the person has multiple skills or roles.)


I enjoyed the movie, and besides, the popcorn was delicious.

(In this example, besides emphasizes the enjoyment of the movie and adds that the popcorn was good as well.)












Preposition – “Beside” and “Besides”

Preposition – “Behind”

Preposition – “At”

Preposition – “Against”

Preposition – “Above”