Verbs followed by Gerunds

Verbs followed by Gerunds

Examples: I enjoy playing. I don’t mind getting up early. It has not stopped raining. My friends and I suggested going to the cinema. Keep doing morning exercises every day!

Preposition - "By"

Preposition – “By”

Preposition by as an agent or doer: In passive voice constructions, the preposition by is often used to indicate the doer or agent of the action. Here are some examples: The book was written by Mark Twain. In this sentence, by indicates that Mark Twain is the person who wrote the book.

The Indicative Mood-the Passive Voice

The Indicative Mood-the Passive Voice

In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb, rather than performing the action itself. The passive voice is formed using a form of the verb to be followed by the past participle of the main verb.

The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past is a tense used to talk about an ongoing action that was expected to be completed at a specific point in the past. It is formed using the past participle of will have been (which is would have been) and the present participle form (-ing) of the main verb.