Preposition - "After"

Preposition – “After”

Preposition “After” with the meaning -later: Here are some examples of how the preposition after can be used with the meaning of later: I'll call you after I finish my meeting. She always eats dessert after dinner.

Vowel and Consonant Sounds in Syllable

Vowel and Consonant Sounds in Syllable

Vowel and consonant sounds in a syllable   In linguistics, vowels and consonants are two fundamental speech sounds that make up the building blocks of spoken language. Vowels and consonants are distinct in terms of how they are produced and how they are perceived by listeners.   Vowels are speech sounds produced with an open […]

The Sound of Murmur Diphthongs : AR, OR, ER, UR, IR, and YR

The Sound of Murmur Diphthongs : AR, OR, ER, UR, IR, and YR

Here are the spelling patterns for Murmur Diphthongs a+r; u+r; e+r; o+r; i/y+r , along with examples and their transcriptions using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Murmur Diphthong is a term used to describe a specific type of vowel-consonant combination that neither extends the vowel into a long vowel sound nor shortens it into a short vowel sound. These combinations can often create a unique intermediate sound.

About English Alphabet

About English Alphabet

Phonemes vs. Letters: While there are 26 letters in the alphabet, the English language has more than 44 speech sounds (phonemes). This is due to the fact that multiple letters or combinations of letters can represent a single sound, and some letters can represent more than one sound.