Conjugation of To Be in Continuous Tense

Conjugation of To Be in Continuous Tense

Here's the table with all forms of "to be" in Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous, and Future in the Past Continuous Tense, in Indicative Mood, including affirmative, question, and negative forms, leaving the lines for Future and Future in the Past vacant:

Nominal (Noun) Clauses

Nominal (Noun) Clauses

Subordinate clauses can be classified into three main forms based on their functions within a sentence: nominal clauses, relative clauses, and adverbial clauses.

The Categories of Adverbs

The Categories of Adverbs

In linguistics, adverbs are words that modify or describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, providing additional information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action or quality occurs. Adverbs can be classified into various categories, including simple adverbs and derivative adverbs.