Concrete and Abstract Nouns

Concrete and Abstract Nouns

Concrete nouns are a type of noun that refer to tangible, physical objects that can be perceived by the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.Abstract nouns are a category of nouns that represent ideas, concepts, qualities, or conditions that are not tangible and cannot be perceived through the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell).

Auditory Phonetics

Auditory Phonetics

About Auditory Phonetics   Let’s explore the realm of auditory phonetics, where we’ll uncover how our ears and brain work together to perceive and understand the sounds of language. Here’s an introduction to get you started:   Auditory Phonetics: Decoding the Symphony of Sound: Have you ever stopped to think about how we turn vibrations […]

The Participle-Non-Finite form of the Verb

The Participle-Non-Finite form of the Verb

The participle is a non-finite verb form that possesses properties of both verbs and adjectives (and sometimes adverbs). It can be used to create verb phrases, participial phrases, and adjectival phrases. Participles, as verb forms that function as adjectives, can be used to modify or describe nouns, effectively turning them into attributes. When a participle is used to modify a noun, it acts like an adjective, providing additional information about the noun.