For   Since    Ago

For Since Ago

We use for and since to say HOW LONG We use ago as a time word to say WHEN

Punctuation Marks in English

Punctuation Marks in English

Punctuation marks in English serve various purposes, including indicating pauses, separating elements, clarifying meaning, and organizing text.

Declarative Sentence in English Grammar

Declarative Sentence in English Grammar

A declarative sentence is a type of sentence that makes a statement or expresses an opinion. Its primary function is to convey information or provide some kind of explanation. Declarative sentences typically end with a period (.), and they are the most common type of sentence in the English language.

The Past Continuous tense

The Past Continuous tense

The Past Continuous tense is used to describe an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past.Situation Adverbs Action happening at a specific time in the past at that time, then Action happening over a period of time in the past all day/night/morning/afternoon, constantly, continuously Two actions happening simultaneously in the past while Repeated action in the past every day/night/morning/afternoon, always