Preposition - "Towards"

Preposition – “Towards”

It's important to consider the context in which towards is used to determine its specific meaning, as it can be versatile and used in various ways.

Preposition - "To"

Preposition – “To”

The preposition to is a versatile word in English with several meanings and uses. Here are some of the most common meanings and uses of to: destination, movement, direction, time, purpose, range, giving, as a part of infinitive verb and ets.

Preposition - "Through"

Preposition – “Through”

Preposition "Through" refers to moving from one side or point to another side or point, often while passing inside or within something. Example: She walked through the forest to reach the other side.

Preposition - "Since"

Preposition – “Since”

Since can indicate a specific point in time when an action began or an event occurred. Example: I have been working at this company since 2010.

Preposition - "Past"

Preposition – “Past”

Spatial Meaning: Indicating Movement or Position in Relation to Something Else: He walked past the park. (indicating movement in relation to the park)