Preposition - "Of"

Preposition – “Of”

The preposition of is a versatile word with many different meanings and uses. Here are some of the most common meanings of of with examples for each:

Preposition - "Inside"

Preposition – “Inside”

The preposition inside primarily has the meanings of indicating direction and location. However, it can also be used in a more abstract or metaphorical sense to convey various meanings.

Preposition - "In"

Preposition – “In”

The preposition in can be used to indicate a period of time, especially when you want to convey that something happened during part or all of that time period. Here are some examples: I'll meet you in the morning.

Preposition - "From"

Preposition – “From”

Preposition from refers to the source of action from something or someone: The preposition from is used to indicate the direction of action, often answering the questions from where? and from whom?