Preposition - "Except"

Preposition – “Except”

Preposition except with the idea of not  including: The preposition except is used to indicate exclusion or to specify that something is not included, other than, or apart from a particular thing or group. Here are some examples: I like all fruits except bananas. In this sentence, except indicates that the person likes all fruits except for bananas.

Preposition - "During"

Preposition – “During”

Preposition during for duration or period of time: The preposition during is commonly used to indicate that something happened throughout the course or duration of a period of time. Here are some examples: During the summer, I like to go to the beach every weekend.

Preposition - "Down"

Preposition – “Down”

Preposition down with the meaning towards, in a lower place: Here are examples of how the preposition down is used with the meaning of towards or in a lower place with verbs of motion:   She walked down the stairs to the basement. In this example, down indicates movement towards a lower place (the basement) using the verb walked.

Preposition - "By"

Preposition – “By”

Preposition by as an agent or doer: In passive voice constructions, the preposition by is often used to indicate the doer or agent of the action. Here are some examples: The book was written by Mark Twain. In this sentence, by indicates that Mark Twain is the person who wrote the book.