Preposition - "Before"

Preposition – “Before”

Preposition before with the meaning – till, earlier: Here are some examples of the preposition before used with the meaning of till or earlier than the time or event mentioned: Before five o'clock: I'll meet you at the park before five o'clock. Before dinner: Let's go for a walk before dinner to work up an appetite.  

Preposition - "At"

Preposition – “At”

The preposition at can be used to indicate a specific moment or point in time. Here are some examples: The meeting is scheduled at 3:00 PM. I'll be ready to leave at 8:30 in the morning.

Preposition - "Among (Amongst)"

Preposition – “Among (Amongst)”

Preposition “Among” with the meaning – situated more in less in relation to several other things: The preposition among, when used to indicate something is situated more or less in relation to several other things, implies that the subject is part of a group or surrounded by other elements. Here are some examples: The red rose stood out among the white ones in the garden. (In this sentence, the red rose is situated within a group of white roses.)

Preposition - "Against"

Preposition – “Against”

Preposition “Against” with the meaning -in opposition to: Here are some examples of using the preposition against with the meaning in opposition to: The protesters rallied against the government's new tax policy. She spoke out against the proposed changes to the school curriculum.

Preposition - "Across"

Preposition – “Across”

Across with the meaning – through or from one side to another: The preposition across can often be used to mean through or from one side to another. Here are some examples to illustrate its usage: The hikers trekked across the dense forest. (Meaning: The hikers walked through the dense forest.) The river flowed across the valley. (Meaning: The river flowed through the valley, from one side to another.)