

Adverbial clauses are groups of words that function as adverbs in a sentence. They provide additional information about the action in the main clause, answering questions such as when, where, why, how, to what extent, or under what conditions.

What is the difference/ Prepositions For ,During, In, and Within

What is the difference/ Prepositions For ,During, In, and Within

For is used to indicate a purpose, reason, or duration of time.During is used to specify when something happens within a particular time frame.In is a versatile preposition that can be used to indicate location, time, inclusion, and more.Within refers to something happening inside or not exceeding a certain period of time.

Preposition - "To"

Preposition – “To”

The preposition to is a versatile word in English with several meanings and uses. Here are some of the most common meanings and uses of to: destination, movement, direction, time, purpose, range, giving, as a part of infinitive verb and ets.

Modal Verbs: might

Modal Verbs: might

Might with the indefinite infinitive is used to express possibility or uncertainty in the present or future.In the perfect infinitive form, might have is used to express possibility or uncertainty in the past  

Modal Verbs: may

Modal Verbs: may

May is used with the indefinite infinitive to express permission, possibility or probability in the present. It can also be used to make polite requests.