IF (Conditional) Sentences

IF (Conditional) Sentences

Conditional sentences, also known as if sentences, express a relationship between different events or situations. These sentences are divided into different types based on the likelihood or certainty of the condition being fulfilled. Conditional sentences play a crucial role in expressing possibilities, hypothetical situations, and cause-and-effect relationships. There are four main types of conditional sentences: zero conditional, first conditional, second conditional, and third conditional.

The Conjunction

The Conjunction

A conjunction is a fundamental part of grammar that serves as a link or connector between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. Conjunctions are essential for constructing coherent and well-structured sentences. They help establish relationships between different elements within a sentence, making the text more readable and conveying precise meaning.

Preposition - "With"

Preposition – “With”

The preposition with has several meanings and can be used in various contexts: assistance, connection, means, method, relationship, addition and etc.

Preposition - "To"

Preposition – “To”

The preposition to is a versatile word in English with several meanings and uses. Here are some of the most common meanings and uses of to: destination, movement, direction, time, purpose, range, giving, as a part of infinitive verb and ets.

Prepositions "Since" and "From"

Prepositions “Since” and “From”

since primarily focuses on specifying a starting point in time or expressing a cause-and-effect relationship, while from is more versatile and can indicate starting points in time, place, or ranges of values.