Tag: short
Pronunciation of the letter “a”
Here are some common pronunciation patterns for the letter a :short, long vowel, schwa sound, CVce patterns, ea, ough, au, ar, al. aw, ai combinations.
Pronunciation of the letter “u”
Here are some common pronunciation patterns for the letter u in English words, along with examples in transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA):long and short vowel sounds
Pronunciation of the letter “e”
The pronunciation patterns for the letter e along with their phonetic transcriptions using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA):ee, ie, ei, ea, combinations, unstressed e, silent e etc.
The Phonics rules in English
There are 15 Phonics rules for reading and spelling: vowels in syllables, long and short vowels, silent e rule, consonants digraphs and blends and etc.
Auxiliary and Modal verbs
Auxiliary and modal verbs can be used to avoid repetition in sentences.To avoid repeating a verb: