For   Since    Ago

For Since Ago

We use for and since to say HOW LONG We use ago as a time word to say WHEN



Adverbial clauses are groups of words that function as adverbs in a sentence. They provide additional information about the action in the main clause, answering questions such as when, where, why, how, to what extent, or under what conditions.

Prepositions "Since" and "From"

Prepositions “Since” and “From”

since primarily focuses on specifying a starting point in time or expressing a cause-and-effect relationship, while from is more versatile and can indicate starting points in time, place, or ranges of values.

Preposition - "Since"

Preposition – “Since”

Since can indicate a specific point in time when an action began or an event occurred. Example: I have been working at this company since 2010.

Preposition - "From"

Preposition – “From”

Preposition from refers to the source of action from something or someone: The preposition from is used to indicate the direction of action, often answering the questions from where? and from whom?