Tag: with
Modal Verbs: might
Might with the indefinite infinitive is used to express possibility or uncertainty in the present or future.In the perfect infinitive form, might have is used to express possibility or uncertainty in the past
Modal Verbs: could
Could can be used with the indefinite infinitive to express past actions. When using could in this way, it usually indicates ability or possibility in the past.
Modal Verbs: ought to
Ought to is a modal auxiliary verb that is used to express obligation or duty. It is often used to suggest a moral or ethical obligation, rather than a legal obligation
The Present Perfect tense
The Present Perfect is often used to talk about actions that started in the past and have been completed at some point before the present moment.
English Cardinal Numerals
In English, cardinal numerals can be formed using both simple and compound forms:Simple cardinal numerals: are formed by using a single word to represent a number. Examples include one, two, three, and so on. Compound cardinal numerals: are formed by combining two or more simple numerals to create a new number.