Reference List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds

Verbs with a symbol {+} can also be followed by Infinitives 


  1. Admit
  2. Advise+
  3. Anticipate
  4. Appreciate
  5. Avoid
  6. Can’t bear+
  7. Begin+
  8. Complete
  9. Consider
  10. Continue+
  11. Delay
  12. Deny
  13. Discuss
  14. Dislike
  15. Enjoy
  16. Finish
  17. Forget+
  18. Hate+
  19. Can’t help
  20. Keep
  21. Like+
  22. Love+
  23. Mention
  24. Mind
  25. Miss
  26. Postpone
  27. Practice
  28. Prefer+
  29. Quit
  30. Recall
  31. Recollect
  32. Recommend
  33. Regret+
  34. Remember+
  35. Resent
  36. Resist
  37. Risk
  38. Can’t stand+
  39. Start+
  40. Stop
  41. Suggest
  42. Tolerate
  43. Try+
  44. Understand



I enjoy playing.

I don’t mind getting up early.

It has not stopped raining.

My friends and I suggested going to the cinema.

Keep doing morning exercises every day!



A gerund is the -ing form of a verb used as a noun.

A gerund is used as a subject or object (like nouns).



  1. Travelling (travelling is a gerund, that is used as the subject of the sentence) is a good hobby.


  1. I love travelling during summer holidays (travelling is a gerund and is used as the object of the verb love).


  1. He amuses himself by travelling (travelling is a gerund used as the object of the preposition by).  


Gerunds as Objects of Prepositions:


A gerund is frequently used as the object of a preposition. 


Common Preposition Combinations and Expressions followed by Gerunds:

Be afraid of losing a job 

Be accused of committing a crime 

Be guilty of killing 

Be capable of doing    

Instead of going 

Take advantage of having


Take care of handling

Be tired of/from waiting

Insist on speaking 

Be excited about traveling

Be worried about failing

Complain about working

Dream about winning

Talk about living

Think about moving

Apologise for hurting

Blame someone for losing

Forgive someone for cheating

Have an excuse for being late

Be responsible for leading

Thank someone for helping

Keep someone from leaving

Prevent someone from quitting

Prohibit someone from entering

Stop someone from fighting

Be interested in learning


Believe in achieving

Participate in discussing

Succeed in completing

Be accustomed to waking up early 

In addition to studying

Be committed to helping

Be devoted to caring

Look forward to meeting

Object to changing

Be opposed to smoking

Be used to living alone



Special Expressions followed by Gerund:

Have fun

He had fun spending time with his friends.

Have a good time 

She had a good time playing tennis. 

Have trouble

He had trouble doing his task. 

Have difficulty 

She has difficulty learning languages. 

Have a hard time

He had a hard time seeking his happiness.

Have a difficult time 

He had a difficult time finding a job.

Spend time 

My friend spent his time walking in the park.

Waste time 

Don’t waste your time watching TV.

Sit at one’s place 

She sat at her table writing a letter.

Stand + place + ing

She stood there looking at the sky.

Lie + place + ing

He was lying in bed reading a book.

Find pro(noun)+ ing

I found my sister using my phone.

See pro(noun) + ing

He saw them entering the house.



Go + A Gerund:

Go swimming

Go shopping

Go fishing

Go jogging

Go dancing

Go hiking

Go camping

Go skating

Go cycling

Go boating

Go running

Go sightseeing

Go skiing

Go snowboarding

Go kayaking



Indefinite Passive Gerund:

Being asked

Being laughed

Being understood

Being written

Being called

Being told

Being elected




  1. She dislikes being interrupted during meetings.
  2. The students appreciate being given extra time for the exam.
  3. He is afraid of being judged by others.
  4. The project is progressing despite being delayed several times.
  5. I enjoy being praised for my hard work.
  6. The children don’t mind being told what to do when necessary.
  7. She is tired of being ignored in discussions.
  8. He feels embarrassed about being caught lying.
  9. The artwork is currently being displayed in the gallery.
  10. They are not used to being treated so kindly.



Perfect Passive Gerund:

Having been

Having done

Having read

Having seen



I remember having been shown the letter.

I didn’t remember having seen him before.





Verbs followed by Gerunds

The Gerund-Non-Finite form of the Verb

The Participle-Non-Finite form of the Verb

The Infinitive-Non-Finite form of the Verb

Finite and non- finite forms of the Verbs