Crammar differences: for, during, in, within



Meaning: For is used to indicate a purpose, reason, or duration of time.



I bought flowers for my mother’s birthday.

We studied for hours to prepare for the exam.

She is going to Paris for a vacation.





Meaning: During is used to specify when something happens within a particular time frame.



It rained heavily during the night.

I fell asleep during the movie.

She received a phone call during the meeting.






Meaning: In is a versatile preposition that can be used to indicate location, time, inclusion, and more.



The cat is in the box (location).

We will meet in 30 minutes (time).

There is a lot of talent on the team (inclusion).






Meaning: Within refers to something happening inside or not exceeding a certain period of time.



Please complete the task within the next hour.

The answer lies within the book.

She found her keys within her bag.


In summary, these prepositions have distinct meanings and usages:


For typically relates to purpose, reason, or duration.

During is used to specify when something happens within a given time frame.

In is versatile and can denote location, time, inclusion, and more.

Within indicates something happening inside or not exceeding a certain time frame or limit.







Prepositions -“For”, “During”, “In”, and “Within” to compare

Preposition – “Within”

Prepositions “With” and “By” to compare

Preposition – “Towards”

Prepositions – “Till” and “Until”

Preposition – “Since”

Preposition – “Out of”