Person category


In English, there are three person categories: the first person, the second person, and the third person.


The first person refers to the speaker or speakers.


The second person refers to the person or people being spoken to.


The third person refers to anyone or anything being spoken about.


The person of the subject of the sentence determines which form of the verb to use:


Examples of first person subjects with their respective verb forms:

I am going to the store.

We are happy to help.

My friends and I have plans tonight.


Examples of second person subjects with their respective verb forms:

You are a great friend.

Do you want to go to the movies with me?

You and your family are invited to the party.


Examples of third person subjects with their respective verb forms:

He goes to the gym every morning.

She loves to read books.

They live in a big house.


Note that some verbs are irregular, and do not follow the usual patterns of verb conjugation in English.

For example, the verb to be is irregular in all forms and has its own unique conjugation.

It is important to study and memorise the forms of irregular verbs in order to use them correctly in sentences.





Click here What is the Person category?

Click here What is the Number Category?

Click here What is the Voice of a Verb?

Click here What is the Mood of a Verb?